Jo Baldock

Menopause Wellness Coach

Helping you discover change is possible

Welcome! I’m delighted to have you here as I share my mission of supporting women during the challenging stages of menopause and perimenopause. As the founder of this platform, I am dedicated to empowering and equipping women, as well as employers, with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate this transformative phase.

From my personal experience of the perimenopause, I understand the struggles, stress, and anxiety that can arise during this time. However, I want to assure you that there is hope and support available.

Through my personal experiences and professional expertise, I provide guidance and assistance to women and employers alike by breaking down the journey into manageable steps and making it approachable and achievable for everyone involved.

Together, we ensure that women feel empowered and in control while also providing employers with the understanding and resources to support their employees effectively.

Let go of the misconception that menopause is a miserable phase and consists of hot flushes, weight gain and anxiety. Together, we will redefine this stage of life, equipping women and employers with the tools, energy, and mental clarity they need to thrive.

Join me on this empowering journey, and together we will create a workplace culture that fosters support, understanding, and success for women going through menopause and beyond. It’s time to embrace the next phase of life with confidence and empowerment.

Health and fitness

Tailoring programs for your health, fitness and nutrition with a convenient program that works in the busiest of lives,

Personal Development

Personal development and growth is about how we feed our mind and our hearts. I will share with you not only my knowledge but my own personal journey also. 


The key to your transformation is a goal focused life. The commitments we choose in our lives are valuable and by holding ourselves accountable, we can achieve long term success.


All of my resources – How can I best serve you ?