
Jo Baldock - Menopause Wellness Practitioner

After a successful 25-year corporate career in financial services, I transitioned into the health and wellness space in early 2020, driven by a deep-seated passion to empower midlife women with confidence and well-being.

My initial focus on nutrition and fitness, while effective to a certain extent, revealed a pressing need for greater awareness and understanding of the menopause transition. Witnessing the debilitating impact of menopause symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, brain fog, and low mood, on my clients’ lives, I pursued a qualification as a Menopause Wellness Practitioner.

With a keen interest in promoting women’s well-being, I approach each client with a compassionate ear, providing education, motivation, and guidance. My approach extends beyond traditional medical models, encompassing lifestyle choices and holistic strategies to support overall health and well-being.

I firmly believe that empowering women with knowledge and decision-making tools is crucial to navigating the menopause transition successfully. By focusing not only on the biological aspects of menopause but also on lifestyle, nutrition, physical and mental health, we can empower women to thrive during this transformative phase of their lives.