The Total Solution

A complete body reset for over women over 40, juggling the changes of midlife alongside their already busy lives.
I know how overwhelming it can be to motivate yourself when starting a new journey or trying something new and you are always apprehensive if it will be right for you and if you will have time.
This package is based on the exact program I followed which took me from burnout to balanced, so I know it works!

This program is for you if..

Annual cost £196.00

This package is all about treating your body with respect. Its not about numbers on scales or dress labels, its about the internal transformation, the physical will come as a result of this.

Together we will work through the 3 simple building blocks fitness, nutrition and mindset to start your journey to feeling more confident about your health. 

Annual membership to my online wellness studio – Accountability group

Support from myself and other clients on the journey with you. Here to keep you on track and avoid any feelings of overwhelm.

Access to hundreds of master trainer fitness programs to suit every level

All designed to be short and effective so you can fit it into your busy day at any time of day. 

Nutrition to suit your lifestyle, family life and goals

Nutrition accounts for at least 80% of your success so its not a one size fits all approach. Access to hundreds of recipes  meal plans , tips and tricks to take the chore out of mealtimes. ( no more diets !) 

One to one support from me as your coach.

Your number one supporter and cheerleader here to bring the motivation and encouragement and keep you on track .

Here for the bad days as well as the good to hold you accountable and ensure your reach the goals you set. 

Personal Development 

Mindset controls every part of your day. Learn the step-by-step process to controlling your mind so you stay productive, positive, and happy. 

Superfood – You daily dose of dense nutrition 

To kick start your journey included is a bag of  Shakeology. The nutrient-dense superfood shake that myself and my family drink everyday ! Formulated with globally harvested ingredients that supply phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics, fibre, adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals.

 For increased healthy energy, to curb junk-food cravings, and improve digestive health.