Books and Podcasts

If you wish to listen to any of these books they are available on Audible

The Miracle Morning

What if you could wake up tomorrow and any – or EVERY – area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change? The Miracle Morning is already transforming the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by showing them how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It’s been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life.

Atomic Habits

Transform your life with tiny changes in behaviour, starting now.

There’s never been a better time to make a few tiny changes that will revolutionise your life.

Girl wash your face

Do you ever suspect that everyone else has life figured out and you don’t have a clue?

If you have ever said I should be further along by now…then you could benefit from the unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity Rachel Hollis . In this challenging but conversational book, Rachel exposes the 20 lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively.

The High Five Habit

In this book, Mel teaches you how to start high fiving the most important person in your life, the one who is staring back at you in the mirror: YOURSELF.

If you struggle with self-doubt (and who doesn’t?) …
If you’re tired of that nagging critic in your head (could somebody evict them already?) …
If you’re wildly successful but all you focus on is what’s going wrong (you’re not alone) …
If you’re sick of watching everybody else get ahead while you sit on the couch with your dog (don’t bring your dog into this) …

…Mel dedicates this book to you.